Russian President Vladimir Putin has stressed the importance of developing additional measures to fight against illegal cantankerous-border transactions of digital fiscal avails.

Speaking at a board coming together of the General Prosecutor's office Wednesday, Putin stated that "criminal elements have been increasingly deploying digital financial assets," which needs special attention from the government.

"There is one more point — quite new, only essential: we should take additional measures to suppress illegal cross-border movement of digital fiscal avails," Putin said. The President ordered local enforcement too equally the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, or Rosfinmonitoring, to give all their attending to this issue.

Every bit Putin did non elaborate on the context of illegal cross-border transactions using digital assets, it now appears to be unclear what violations exactly he meant. Nikita Soshnikov, a former senior lawyer at Deloitte CIS and managing director of Alfacash, told Cointelegraph:

"Information technology is not the offset time when the President asks police force enforcement agencies and a Russian financial intelligence unit to pay special attention to crypto transactions in such a negative context. Just it is unclear what is meant by "cross-edge" crypto operations which are globe-wide by their nature and how law enforcement measures could use."

Russia adopted its major cryptocurrency law, "On Digital Fiscal Assets," in January 2020, officially prohibiting payments fabricated in cryptos like Bitcoin in the land. The Russian regime has also been working on split initiatives to adopt restrictions on foreign payment services and digital wallets like AliPay and WeChat.

Putin's latest remarks on illegal cross-edge digital asset transactions come amid somewhat intensifying relations between Russia and the The states.