
Workaround stops Siri from sending your private conversations to Apple contractors

Workaround stops Siri from sending your private conversations to Apple contractors

If you lot don't trust the workaround, you can make your own version

Siri on the iPhone 7 Plus

Following reports well-nigh Apple'due south contractors hearing Siri recordings with sensitive information, information technology looks similar there may be a manner to prevent your iPhone from sending recordings to Apple tree.

Based on information shared past a whistleblower who worked with a contractor that graded the quality of Siri's responses, the report revealed that recordings sometimes included people have sex activity, drug deals and doctors and patients discussing medical data.

Apple tree said that contractors listen to less than one percent of daily Siri activations and that the recordings aren't attached to an Apple tree ID. However, recordings often come with user data such as location, contact details or app data to assistance contractors verify if a request was successful.

Further, concerns were raised virtually who has access to the recordings. For case, an employee with malicious intent could potentially abuse the data.

Apple doesn't offer a way for users to opt-out of Siri recordings, other than to plough off the 'Hey Siri' hotword or disable Siri entirely.

Twitter user January Kaiser (@jankais3r) felt in that location was a better way, noting it'south possible to disable server-side logging of Siri commands. Farther, Kaiser created an iOS profile — which you lot tin access on GitHub — to disable the logging.

If you're interested in further reducing the minor chance that one of your Siri recordings ends up in the hands of a contractor, yous can install the profile on your iPhone or iPad. Information technology's worth noting that doing and so isn't without risk, and if you don't trust Kaiser'south profile, you can create your own using the Apple Configurator instead.

With that said, if you lot desire to use Kaiser'southward contour, download the "Prevent server-side logging of Siri commands.mobileconfig" from GitHub on your iOS device. Then, switch to the 'Raw' view and tap 'Permit' to download the contour. Finally, open the Settings app and complete the installation by following the steps.

You can larn more than about the profile and how information technology works by checking information technology out on GitHub.

Source: GitHub Via: 9to5Mac


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