
Which Camera Lens To Bring To Costa Rica

The sheer biodiversity lone is enough to depict photographers from all over the world to this natural jewel of Central America.  But in this tiny tropical nation you lot'll also find some of the globe's virtually iconic wildlife, from toucans, to poison-pointer frogs, to iridescent butterflies, to boisterous monkeys swinging through the tree tops.

If you have a photographic adventure to Costa rica planned, here is a guideline of the gear you ought to consider bringing with you.I'll encompass each category of lens and will comment on whether I observe that detail type of lens useful for this trip.

Please note, photographic styles vary, equally do conditions on the footing.  While this is meant to be a guide for choosing your photographic camera gear, y'all should consider your own photographic interests first and foremost.

Ultra wide angle

This would non be a critical lens to bring with you, but personally I observe information technology to exist very fun.  It'due south swell for general travel photos, forth with taking shots of the impressive sweeping jungle scenery that you'll be immersed in.  If you have 1 and utilise it oftentimes while traveling, become alee and pack it.  Merely, not necessary to go out and buy one simply for this trip.

Broad bending zoom

This is a default "walking around lens" for most photographers.   Something like an 18-55, 24-70, or 24-105 is what almost people choose, and these will permit you lot become just about whatever landscape shot you're aiming for.  In addition, these can often double as a macro lens if you want to get photographs of smaller wildlife (eg, frogs, insects, flowers) up close.  I highly recommend bringing one of these with you.

Zoom telephoto

Some other critical lens for travel, these are very useful for any wild fauna run a risk.  Something in the range of a lxx-300, eighty-400 or 100-400 is all-time.  Many photographic opportunities will be from some distance, equally wild fauna often reside in copse and generally are not all that comfortable approaching trails or visitors.  Nevertheless, with a decent telephoto you'll go astonishing shots with animals in their natural habitat.

Multi-purpose lenses

I mostly do not advocate for large range multi-purpose lenses unless yous absolutely have to, as they usually come up at some sort of price…either weight, size, or financial.  Withal, considering of the wide variety of photographic opportunities in Costa Rica, a multi-purpose lens may be something you wish to consider.  Lenses that take big ranges similar 18-300, 28-300, or 18-135 can be helpful for lightening your load and saving room for x-factor lenses.

Super telephoto

A lens in the range of 400mm and greater can be of corking help in Costa Rica, primarily if you lot're into photographing birds.  While some photo ops will allow for closer bird photographer, if yous want to get them all, you lot will need at least a 400mm lens.  Serious bird photographers will want a 500mm or 600mm for the best shots.

X-cistron lenses

If you have a defended macro lens, this will be great fun in Republic of costa rica.  From pocket-size poisonous substance-pointer frogs, to lines of marching leaf-cutter ants, there are so so many great macro subjects in the jungles of Costa Rica.  Nevertheless, if yous program to bring a macro, besides plan to bring a flash.  If your camera has a wink built-in, exist sure to test this earlier you leave for the trip, every bit sometimes it is not bright enough or the macro lens blocks some of the flash's attain, due to the length of the lens.


In addition to being useful for macro photography, flashes are as well very helpful for full general wildlife photography in dimly-lit rainforest settings.  Flashes also help highlight the beautiful shimmering wings of hummingbirds, if you're lucky plenty to snap one in flight!

Shoe-mounted flashes are preferred, but cameras that have built in flashes often practise the trick.  Just exist mindful of your fellow travelers, as well as wild animals sensitivity to flash.  It's ofttimes best to have a few photos without flash in case the first flash that's fired scares the animal away.


Tripods tin be useful, especially because of the general lack of light when y'all're deep in the rainforest.  However, they can also be very cumbersome, especially when hiking for altitude or using alternate transportation like modest skiffs.  Unless you are a serious lensman with a big telephoto lens, I mostly recommend going "hand held" for as much as possible.

Other accessories

Like many destinations, be sure to bring plenty of actress memory, as it's oft surprising how many photos you can take while on an trek.

By far the almost of import lens to have with you lot is something that volition requite you a flake of telephoto distance, upwards to 300mm.  Having a multi-purpose lens that gives y'all both wide angle (eighteen-55) and telephoto (100-300 and above) capabilities is a great choice.  And Costa Rica is one of those destinations that really lends itself to "the minor stuff."  If you take a macro lens, exist sure to bring information technology affclac.  If you don't yet take one, your broad-angle lens may do the trick when you lot focus at its minimum focusing altitude, and maximum zoom.

Go forward and give it a shot,



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